Keeping you updated with the latest news


13 June 2024
2023/24 season finishes at Christ Church


28 June 2023
A Rousing end to the 2022/23 Season with Viva Italia!
9 June 2023
Cathedral Visits - Summer 2023
12 May 2023
Simon Toyne appointed as our new Musical Director
20 March 2023
Dame Ethel Smyth Mass in D - A resounding success!
13 February 2023
The Ethel Smyth full score has arrived











2021/22 Season - Done!

1 August 2022

Our 2021/22 Season finished on Saturday 30 July 2022 with the visit of the choir to sing Choral Evensong at St Albans Cathedral. The first season back after the enormous disruptions of Covid was a true success.

St Albans Cathedral - 30 July 2022

Our #22for22 campaign reinvigorated our tenors and basses, and general recruitment pushes brought us quickly back up to our target size of 130 members. Our audiences returned, and indeed we have seen bigger audiences than in a number of years, including a recent record attendance of 869 at our Jubilee Proms concert this summer. Part of this has been adapting to new Covid-secure policies - we are accustomed to cramming into St Matthew’s Church, but we have had the luxury of the large modern venues (with comforts like padded, raked seating, plentiful parking, lovely lavatories, and more!) at Northampton School for Girls, Northampton School for Boys, and Royal & Derngate.

Messiah - our soloists - November 2021

Our four concerts were designed to bring our audiences back - Handel’s Messiah with period orchestra Charivari Agréable, a Christmas Matinée Festival with Rushden Town Band, The Armed Man with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orff’s Carmina Burana with the Keith Crompton Percussion Ensemble and the amazing narration of Graham Padden, and the enormous Jubilee Proms, with all the “Last Night” trimmings. And, as already mentioned, we were back singing Choral Evensong - first at All Saints’ Church in the heart of Northampton for the Lord Lieutenant, then at Peterborough and St Albans Cathedrals.

Carmina Burana - April 2022

Fanfares and Carols - December 2021
The Armed Man - February 2022

We are also hugely proud to have engaged the services of bands, orchestras, and soloists, helping to get the gig economy back up-and-running, after such very difficult times for the performing arts. We are consciously committed to opening up our music-making to a wide and diverse range of artists and performers, and we have had great feedback from our audiences. All-in-all, it has very much been a job well done!

Choral Evensong at Peterborough Cathedral - May 2022
The Jubilee Proms - June 2022