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13 June 2024
2023/24 season finishes at Christ Church


28 June 2023
A Rousing end to the 2022/23 Season with Viva Italia!
9 June 2023
Cathedral Visits - Summer 2023
12 May 2023
Simon Toyne appointed as our new Musical Director
20 March 2023
Dame Ethel Smyth Mass in D - A resounding success!
13 February 2023
The Ethel Smyth full score has arrived











Evensong for the Lord Lieutenant

25 October 2018

At the kind invitation of the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, David Laing, the Rector of Northampton, Father Oliver Coss SSC, and the Master of the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers, Mike Bradly Russell, over forty members of the Choir sang Choral Evensong earlier tonight on this the feast day of Ss Crispin and Crispinian, historic Patron Saints of Northampton and of the shoe industry.

The Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire
The Rector introducing the Service

This year’s celebration was particularly notable as earlier in the day the first new footwear factory for over 30 years opened in Northampton. Shoemaking has been part of Northampton’s life since the fifteenth century, and by the early 1900s the town was the largest producer of shoes in Europe.

Foster and Son's new Factory
The Mayor of Northampton en route

The choir were delighted to reprise music from Choral Evensong services earlier in the year, with our Musical Director’s Responses beginning proceedings, before the choir sang Bryan Kelly’s Evening Service in C major, and Sir C. Hubert H. Parry’s Blest Pair of Sirens as the anthem. And our beautiful choral and organ music was not the only thing the congregation were able to hear, as the St Crispin’s fairground rides were in full swing outside!

The Choir in full flow
The Important Bass entry in Kelly's Nunc dimittis