I was glad! A feast of Parry
21 October 2018
Last night the choir were joined by members of the Huntingdonshire
Philharmonic to perform a concert marking the centenary of the death
of the great English composer, Sir C. Hubert H. Parry. Elgar
remarked that Parry was the “finest English composer since Purcell”
and HRH The Prince of Wales made a BBC television documentary on
Parry’s music entitled “The Prince and the Composer”. The combined
chorus of over 130 singers led the audience from Parry at his most
grand - in the Coronation anthem I was glad and festal setting of
Milton, Blest pair of sirens, through his organ and ‘community’
music - organ preludes, fantasias, and the Fantasia and Fugue in G,
Dear Lord and Father of mankind and Jerusalem, to Parry at his most
intimate and poignant - the Songs of Farewell.

The Sopranos and Altos have their
moment to shine
A little levity always assists with
The first half of the concert includes all the accompanied and
organ music, and Musical Director introduced the works from the
podium, and we learned of the connection between Jerusalem and World
War One, the campaign for Women’s voting rights, and the 2012 London
Olympics, that Abide with me was Gandhi’s favourite hymn, and that
Dear Lord and Father of mankind traces its heritage back to the
Vedic religion, and its practice of imbibing the hallucinogenic
substance Soma. The audience sang most lustily in the four hymns -
Dear Lord and Father of mankind and Jerusalem by Parry, and two
hymns not by Parry (Abide with me and O God, our help in ages
which were immediately followed by organ works by Parry founded upon
those melodies. The idea that music is for everyone, regardless of
wealth or class, was perfectly illustrated in this concert, and we
honoured Parry’s statement:
The mission of democracy
is to convert the false
estimate of art as an
appanage of luxury.
One interesting feature of the first half was the adjustment of
the Vivats in I was glad. In this coronation anthem, Parry
incorporated what had been two separate features of coronations
before the twentieth-century. The singing of entrance music at the
arrival of the new monarch, and the shouting of acclamation from the
galleries - Vivat Rex Eduardus in 1902. In the most recent
coronation this had evolved into something much closer to singing,
and the phrase Vivat Regina, Vivat Regina Elizabetha. Following the
lead of John Rutter in his most recent edition of I was glad, the
tradition of not singing this acclamation outside the context of the
coronation was held, but the music continued, but with a substitute
Latin text - Laudate Dominum, Laudate Dominum omnes gentes - O
praise God all his peoples. This text perfectly suits the mood of
the music at this point, and requires only one tiny rhythmic change
to accommodate the proper accentuation of the words.

The climax of the Songs of Farewell
Not Vivat Regina but Laudate Dominum
The performance of Songs of Farewell (1913-15) in the second half of
the concert was both the highlight and the lowlight of the concert.
The choir performed magnificently in the increasingly complex
unaccompanied textures of the work, but as night fell, it became
clear that one section of the choir lighting had not been switched
on! So as the music went from four to five to six to seven and,
finally, to eight parts, the darkness descended on the back two rows
of altos. They heroically sang on, and the music continued without
any difficulty whatsoever - well done! This was a performance of
enormous extremes - from the most hushed sound up to the deafening
legions of angels evoked in At the round earth’s imagined corners.
This work is the summation of Parry’s lifetime of experience as a
choral composer, and his reaction not only to the closing years of
his own life, but of the futility of the deaths of many of his
students, who perished at the trenches whilst he was composing the

Listening to some Instructions from
And did those feet in ancient time
A number of members of the Bach Choir are looking forward to singing
the programme again with the Huntingdonshire Philharmonic Choir, who
give their performance of the same programme this coming weekend. It
is splendid to be able to share common ground in this way, and it
gives us an opportunity to sing things more than once! Indeed, we
will also be keeping Blest pair of sirens alive in a Choral Evensong
for the Lord Lieutenant later this week, and a number of the Parry
works will feature in our
Tour to Bruges and Amsterdam in Spring

Blest Pair of Sirens
Last minute markings in Songs of Farewell