Keeping you updated with the latest news


13 June 2024
2023/24 season finishes at Christ Church


28 June 2023
A Rousing end to the 2022/23 Season with Viva Italia!
9 June 2023
Cathedral Visits - Summer 2023
12 May 2023
Simon Toyne appointed as our new Musical Director
20 March 2023
Dame Ethel Smyth Mass in D - A resounding success!
13 February 2023
The Ethel Smyth full score has arrived











924 years Not Out!

4 April 2016

With over eighty years and nearly 350 concerts under our belts, the Northampton Bach Choir is the County’s longest-serving and busiest concert choir. Its 130 members rehearse every week throughout the year, and as well as leading their own concert series, they regularly work alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in concerts at the Royal and Derngate (as well as, in recent years, at the Royal Albert Hall and Symphony Hall, Birmingham). In addition to giving concerts, they regularly visit Cathedrals to sing Choral Evensong (most recently at St Paul’s Cathedral) and make international tours (having sung at the Cathédrale Notre Dame in Paris and the Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome, they will be singing at the Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco, Venice, in 2017).

Our Long Service Award Badge
Our President, Sir Peter Ellwood

Whilst there is a natural turn-over in singers in the choir, there are a number of singers who have been singing for a goodly number of years (and surviving – even thriving (!) – in their regular re-auditions and appraisals!!!) who we wanted to honour, and so over the past couple of years we have recognised those with 25 years or more service with a certificate presentation from our President, Sir Peter Ellwood VLL CBE. We have now introduced a beautiful enamel pin badge for our long-serving members to wear in concerts, discreet and stylish, and these were presented to all those who have received certificates shortly before our last concert.

Some of our Award Holders

These 27 members have a combined service of 924 years, and a number of them are pictured above (marked with an *asterisk, below); we thank them all, and look forward to our next set of presentations!

* Pat Gibson - September 1966
* Mark Gibson - September 1966
Ian Geddes - September 1967
Margaret Atkinson - September 1972
* Liz Baird - September 1972
Claire Lodge - September 1972
* Pam Chapman - September 1974
* Rosemary Lewis - January 1976
* Liz Rowe - September 1979
Hilary Spenceley - January 1980
* Niki Hein - March 1980
Sue Deane - September 1981
Heather Evans - January 1982
* Teresa Padden - April 1982

Helen Smith - April 1985
* Jane Oliver - September 1985
* Philippa M. Smith - January 1988
* Jane Clark - September 1988
* Christine Bennett - September 1988
* Chris Ludford-Thomas - October 1988
Frances Critchlow - January 1989
Ruth Grainger - January 1989
* Marion Green - January 1989
Judy Ellwood - September 1989
* Janet Atkinson - September 1990
Anne Smith - September 1989
Roger Smith - September 1989