Keeping you updated with the latest news


13 June 2024
2023/24 season finishes at Christ Church


28 June 2023
A Rousing end to the 2022/23 Season with Viva Italia!
9 June 2023
Cathedral Visits - Summer 2023
12 May 2023
Simon Toyne appointed as our new Musical Director
20 March 2023
Dame Ethel Smyth Mass in D - A resounding success!
13 February 2023
The Ethel Smyth full score has arrived











Good Grevé - Awards and Socialising

3 October 2016

With just short of 130 members, including seven new members since the beginning of this term, the Bach Choir continues to go from strength-to-strength. And far from being the stuffy, dreaded thing of the past, our Annual General Meeting, which took place earlier tonight, is now a highlight of the year. Of course, we miss an hour of singing, but we get an inspirational pep-talk from our President, Sir Peter Ellwood VLL CBE, the presentation of the Member's Award, and the prolonged interval with cheese and wine (sadly, no Grevé was on offer).

Claire Lodge receives her Award
Sir Peter Ellwood's Rousing Speech

All choir members can nominate any choir member (except current committee members), and the committee debate the nominations. This year the Member's Award was presented to Claire Lodge, who holds our long-service award, and who has - alongside singing - faithfully catered and entertained at events for as many years one cares to remember. She is a mainstay of the social life of the choir, and is a worthy recipient indeed.

At the AGM the full programme for the remainder of 2017 was announced, and the 2018 dates listed. We have a huge number of exciting events on the horizon, not least our tour to Venice!