Keeping you updated with the latest news


13 June 2024
2023/24 season finishes at Christ Church


28 June 2023
A Rousing end to the 2022/23 Season with Viva Italia!
9 June 2023
Cathedral Visits - Summer 2023
12 May 2023
Simon Toyne appointed as our new Musical Director
20 March 2023
Dame Ethel Smyth Mass in D - A resounding success!
13 February 2023
The Ethel Smyth full score has arrived











Committee Changes

9 March 2020

Before tonight’s rehearsal the choir held a Special General Meeting to elect a new Chairman. The Chairman of over five years, David Tristram, was thanked for his service in the role, and all wished him well as he started his year shadowing the Concerts Manager, Mark Gibson, in advance of (subject to the usual procedures!) taking over the rôle at the Annual General Meeting in October this year.

Retiring Chairman thanks Retiring
Librarian for her service
New Chairman Jonny Alms thanks the
Choir for electing him!

Before David stepped down, he led a grateful chorus of thanks to Celia Chapman, our Librarian of over nineteen years. The task of organising music for 130 singers for four, five, and sometimes more concerts a year, especially in recent years when we have additionally had visits to Cathedrals to sing Choral Evensong, and European Tours, cannot be underestimated. Celia’s undiminishing ability to keep smiling when members change their minds about whether to hire or purchase, hand music back late, or forget to erase their markings, is quite remarkable, and it would be remiss to praise Celia without praising her husband Ian, who has shared the load over all these years.

As noted, David’s tenure as Chairman should have ceased at five years, but he agreed to stay on for a few extra months so that the candidate to be the next Chairman (Jonny Alms) could be elected after his extended work tour to New Zealand (he is an International Trade Advisor at the Department for International Trade). After his unanimous election Jonny gave a short speech outlining his vision for the coming months and years, and offering rightful praise to David for his service in the role.