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Bach Choir Burns Supper

25 January 2019

The Bach Choir held its first Burns Supper on the 260th anniversary of the birth of the great Scottish poet, the 25th January 2019. It was held at the splendid Community Hall in Bugbrooke, which afforded ample space for dining, as well as for some Scottish Reels in the main hall. We were delighted to welcome some 65 Guests to the evening, who were welcomed to the hall by Alan Robertshaw playing his bagpipes, dressed in his own clan’s kilt and full regalia.

Alan Robertshaw playing his bagpipes
Speeches and toasts

A hard working team from the choir, led by the indefatigable Judy Ellwood, produced a magnificent traditional supper of haggis “pie”, but only after Jonathan Alms, wearing a bright orange wig, had addressed the haggis in his best Scottish accent. A magnificent array of puddings was provided by many of the choir members. After supper had concluded, Alan Robertshaw made a very entertaining Toast to the Lassies. This was superbly responded to by Sara Alms, who made her Reply by the Lassies in rhyming couplets, which had us all roaring with laughter. Never let it be said that the ladies are downtrodden!

Most Burns Suppers comprise just a dinner and speeches, but the Bach Choir added the extra excitement of dancing a few Scottish Reels after dinner. Hosted by Jonathan and Sara Alms, who are both keen reelers, everyone took to the dance floor to dance The Dashing White Sergeant, Strip the Willow and the Eightsome Reel. Never have so many dodgy knees and croinky hips seen so much action, but everyone had a smile on their face and a great evening was had by all.